Header Graphic Most popular Bonk suggestions

Below is a compilation of the most upvoted suggestions made in BCD pertaining to the game. Some factors for consideration:
SuggestionSuggestion detailsVotes
Many maps in classic quick play are just recoloured laggier versions of an original map, for example: Not only are these unoriginal and lazy but some of them can cause high amounts of lag for someone with a low-end pc just like the third one.

⏱️ 2022-07-04

💡 Samuel Prosser#1118

ID: 993545736568459284




All credit to Oo 0 oO Add the ability to randomize teams. You can choose how many people will be on each team and the game will randomly assign players to them.

⏱️ 2022-07-03

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 993008933239279727




add some more "empty layer" slots when ur making a skin

⏱️ 2022-06-14

💡 qwerty ?#3137

ID: 986091296630403072




put ads on the bottom so they don't block my mods

⏱️ 2022-06-13

💡 EvenlyOdd#8183

ID: 985988586673430628




the ability to see how long a room has been open for in the custom game menu

⏱️ 2022-06-11

💡 blob#0635

ID: 985293708134072360




When drawing polygons, have a mirror tool so that we don't have to either draw multiple times until we get it right, or copy and flip the polygon.

⏱️ 2022-06-08

💡 ynameme#1234

ID: 983968821696143360




In the map editor, give circles the ability to become an oval with the change of width/height, of course equal height and width equals a perfect circle.

⏱️ 2022-06-08

💡 ynameme#1234

ID: 983968102310109194




this is a bad suggestion but i think death arrows qp would be nice to see .. to complete the quick plays i do NOT like death arrows but for the people that do like it, it would be cool

⏱️ 2022-05-26

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 979531376359538698




a "*[Player] Has Been Kicked" message when a host kicks someone so that toxic hosts wouldn't be able to say that they "left" or "ragequitted"

⏱️ 2022-04-05

💡 david607#5190

ID: 960766425901961236




Ability to softkick with /kick [username] [time]. If nothing put in [time], permaban from room as usual.

⏱️ 2022-04-04

💡 que noob#8711

ID: 960565547421032509




Add "hide chat" button in settings.

⏱️ 2022-03-26

💡 The Seasons#4300

ID: 957274352636805160




Why is the default guest name "New Player"? It should be just "Guest".

⏱️ 2022-03-15

💡 Bricks#7728

ID: 953325722695520256




remove the feature where it autocompletes in chat with your saved usernames/passwords (jesus you guys suck at this)

⏱️ 2022-03-01

💡 appathy#1135

ID: 948058965013581834




Being able to natively edit polygon points without needing a mod with kklee (also to the suggestion above, i think that'd be better than just only having isosceles triangles)

⏱️ 2022-02-28

💡 eramne#2605

ID: 947912357886165003




Maybe quickplay maps should be updated more than once every 1.5 years

⏱️ 2022-02-28

💡 YVES#6819

ID: 947660618176016424




Why is there a shrink option in map editor, but not "grow" option? Also make ability to set the shrink/grow to end at a certain width/height.

⏱️ 2022-02-21

💡 Bann#7728

ID: 945309796075184129




be able to change lobby name as host,, since when the og host leaves the new host changes the map, people are often scammed :c

⏱️ 2022-02-10

💡 monovii#0618

ID: 941192463983448064




Please, for the love of god, make the UI for creating platforms and shapes simpler. Add the ability to drag platforms and shapes around, set shape centers automatically, let us move and resize rectangles by dragging the four corners, and similar things like that.

⏱️ 2022-02-05

💡 rdococ#5920

ID: 939643959850979408




allow curator like gudstrat and (echostar) to moderator maps like NSFW maps and racist maps

⏱️ 2022-01-30

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 937153726416846869




Double XP day

⏱️ 2022-01-24

💡 ???????????????#6975

ID: 935303389024223282




Hollow shapes for the map editor. (Hollow circles, squares, polygons.) Now you wont have to use 99 shapes for a hollow circle ????

⏱️ 2022-01-24

💡 Bann#7728

ID: 935169186626416730




be able to hide the chat, or move the chat around so it won't block the gameplay

⏱️ 2022-01-24

💡 50m37h1n9#8265

ID: 935081825397784606




can it automatically change back to ffa after you switched away from football mode cause its annoying to manually do that when you are cycling through modes

⏱️ 2022-01-19

💡 Hugh777#1821

ID: 933505540431175700




Option to move everyone in the room to spectate to make teams, rather moving each person one at a time. (Especially when there are a lot of people in the room.)

⏱️ 2022-01-19

💡 Nub6_#4265

ID: 933447659983884319




Add achievements to Bonk.io

⏱️ 2022-01-18

💡 Its Me VN#0972

ID: 932854994770722867




Ability to see if your friends are in a quick play game.

⏱️ 2022-01-17

💡 Nub6_#4265

ID: 932703012206575666




Ability to have more than 5 skins on your skin manager.

⏱️ 2022-01-17

💡 Nub6_#4265

ID: 932692936662077530




"*[Player Name] has been kicked/banned" instead of "*[Player Name] left the room"

⏱️ 2022-01-17

💡 Its Me VN#0972

ID: 932598637907804161




I was wondering if we could bring xp back to bonk.io football mode. In bonk1, we used to get xp from playing football mode. Now, we don't get xp. There are some people who prefer to play football not classic, arrows, death arrows, and grapple. So why make a mode if you'r not going to level up in it or get something out of the game. It like playing for something you love, but not getting some kind of benefit from it. I hope you can update the game so that I, and many other bonk.io football lovers will get xp and level up from this mode. Thanks alot :)

⏱️ 2022-01-16

💡 Nub6_#4265

ID: 932418930826420284




a way to "unkick" people from custom games (maybe a command like /unkick [player] or /unban [player]

⏱️ 2022-01-11

💡 bl0b#0635

ID: 930289459000397854




"decay" option for capture zones where it gets unfilled while no one is in it

⏱️ 2022-01-09

💡 kklkkj#3561

ID: 929810822677540985




Bonk story mode?!?!?

⏱️ 2022-01-09

💡 mBob#7727

ID: 929792214345859122




I had this idea... What if there was a setting where every player could move around and their screen would follow them. You could build outside of the map, and players could explore it individually. This would be cool for maze maps, hide-and-seek, adventure, and parkour maps. The only problem would be lag, which I hope isn't a problem in the future...

⏱️ 2022-01-09

💡 Bann#7728

ID: 929773936667951125




bonk.io should be on steam, players would be able to get higher fps and more players would play the game.

⏱️ 2021-12-31

💡 David607#3464

ID: 926594365969805333




Official bonk.io vote on 5-10 more shapes in the editor

⏱️ 2021-12-28

💡 69pooper#8919

ID: 925420477021843477




censor vulgar room names and guest names

⏱️ 2021-12-27

💡 volition#4044

ID: 925160813013131304




Can Bonk Add an report system? There Is many bonk users using ununappropriate Nicknames,chat,skins. Can Bonk.io make an report system so It can Ban the user In the game? But If Bonk only ban on that acount, they will make a new account to do ununappropriate things. So, If Bonk.io Can apply report system In the game, I suggest that just Banning their device from entering the Bonk.io site.

⏱️ 2021-12-18

💡 [ssejungdawang]#7384

ID: 921713904093122570




rename a map into an edit when a map is actually edited instead of when you go into the editor once

⏱️ 2021-12-15

💡 volition#4044

ID: 920480778708729916




make pasted platforms inside a platform group not go to the top of the list

⏱️ 2021-11-15

💡 volition#4044

ID: 909615747993595945




being able to block players

⏱️ 2021-11-13

💡 Chair#4935

ID: 909074356943085568




some sorta checkpoint for parkour maps

⏱️ 2021-11-02

💡 peachey2k2#2612

ID: 905118805833961473




being able to add something like an email to an account to make it easier to recover if the password is lost (could also factor into implementing being able to change a password) nobody else besides you would be able to see that you have added an email.

⏱️ 2021-11-01

💡 Chair#4935

ID: 904772369468518460




allow me to change my password

⏱️ 2021-10-30

💡 ???? ???????????????????????? ????#5549

ID: 903973467739787294




Remember Tiny Tanks by Chaz? Maybe we should be able to add AI with various difficulties, just like in Tiny Tanks, but in Bonk 2. The AI can be added into a room only by the host, and difficulty of AI can be changed by the host as well. Unlike in Tiny Tanks, adding an AI to a Bonk room will not fill up player space, allowing for something like a boss fight.

⏱️ 2021-10-24

💡 Nikolas#0484

ID: 901769234844102656




make spawns for yellow and green teams in the map preview picture actually yellow and green instead of cyan

⏱️ 2021-10-23

💡 Time G#8910

ID: 901329070749515846




Ability to move while in draw mode, like WASD or arrow movement, would save much time and wouldn't be so tedious

⏱️ 2021-10-19

💡 Xire#7110

ID: 899951543296606208




Please!!! I beg you oh mighty chaz add already zero gravity map option! Everyone will be happy

⏱️ 2021-10-17

💡 sir tiger#8443

ID: 899352679371927602




Offline mode, where you can make maps without the risk of internet crashing

⏱️ 2021-10-15

💡 Egg man#6902

ID: 898624175466504192




allow us to add bonk 1 maps to bonk 1 favs

⏱️ 2021-10-12

💡 Cilian#7818

ID: 897468144384344115




A termination line which deletes all objects that can interact with it upon contact. Could be used for: - Reducing lag by getting rid of objects that don't matter anymore - Troll levels by deleting platforms - Some PvP maps to make the arena smaller - Parkour for a race against the clock (out run the termination line) - More stuff I can't think of

⏱️ 2021-10-11

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 897152004747587636




make undo button undo the last thing you did, and not the last 20 things you did

⏱️ 2021-10-09

💡 69pooper#1582

ID: 896471671240806402




function to download the lobby's game play videos into a GIF

⏱️ 2021-10-08

💡 Spidey#5549

ID: 895993031461838889




change skin shape limit from 16 to the 16-bit integer limit :troll:

⏱️ 2021-10-03

💡 Metaknightmare#3341

ID: 894349091268612096




room search function

⏱️ 2021-10-02

💡 Spidey#5549

ID: 893930488207646780




More advanced layering option where you can layer things in front of players

⏱️ 2021-10-02

💡 Time G#8910

ID: 893930457211748412




platform that hides the players

⏱️ 2021-10-02

💡 Spidey#5549

ID: 893917388335108157




friend messaging system??

⏱️ 2021-09-25

💡 Exis#4032

ID: 891359426143997985




respawn points when map making to make some cool teleporting/portal maps..

⏱️ 2021-09-25

💡 icepoke#6001

ID: 891156822050885632




Option to show total likes on a map, exact date and time it was released, and more details on it

⏱️ 2021-09-25

💡 69pooper#1582

ID: 891120960198041641




be able to see the name of the room a friend is in in your friend list or if they are in a quick play room by hovering over them or adding some button that you would click to show. players would be able to opt out of this in settings if they don't want others to see. (basically a better status system)

⏱️ 2021-09-24

💡 Chair#4935

ID: 891032188013924353




Make classic qp use the picks list instead of whatever it's using right now. Playing the same map with little to no change over and over again is getting boring and annoying, and using picks list would give classic qp a lot more variety.

⏱️ 2021-09-18

💡 SneezingCactus#1336

ID: 888799454751256637




VTOL and teamchain together, make it so the map has the option to enable teamchain with vtol on. And, as always, add VTOL cause you need to, make it fly back!!!

⏱️ 2021-09-15

💡 Geegox#9903

ID: 887530251276681256




Bring back Teamchain

⏱️ 2021-09-15

💡 Going_Anemic#4548

ID: 887528505796091904




Instead of cycling through all game modes add a dropdown with all modes. Cycling worked well when there were just 3 modes that were switched very rarely (people either played classic or volley/football) but now we have 5 modes and they are switched often because different maps are better played on different modes, cycling is not very convenient (also should mention that when you cycle through football it enables teams which is also annoying)

⏱️ 2021-09-12

💡 Cilian#7818

ID: 886492805751525396




Bring back VTOL, as i have just came back to playing, just to see that VTOL was removed. I really miss it as now there isint really a way to make aimable weapons.

⏱️ 2021-09-11

💡 meep#2462

ID: 886254487432470588




ability to add spawn delays when respawn is on

⏱️ 2021-09-04

💡 Appearance#5128

ID: 883600255856287744




Make some form of an IP protection on bonk.io. This is a bit of a problem at the moment!

⏱️ 2021-09-02

💡 Going_Anemic#4548

ID: 882811754369917019




Add an alert box every time I close the game if I haven't saved the map

⏱️ 2021-08-26

💡 Samer Kizi#0505

ID: 880492304463446057




"random map" button that picks a random map out of picks

⏱️ 2021-08-23

💡 Time G#8910

ID: 879379477996650516




copy layer at skin making

⏱️ 2021-08-08

💡 ThatZerxeGuy#5493

ID: 873967637414162462




arrows with friendly fire

⏱️ 2021-08-07

💡 Hello4409#6925

ID: 873425172835753984




Pinned maps Similar to fresh list, pinned maps will appear on a pin board when you log into your account. They will be chosen by a mod or trusted bonk.io person, and they will have the top 5-10 maps of the day and will be on top of the maps on hot.

⏱️ 2021-08-04

💡 69pooper#0069

ID: 872588675932901437




Add the jetpack mode back ;o

⏱️ 2021-08-03

💡 MadChillin#4443

ID: 872230713460678676




Im going to say what we all want to say. Together! As a community! This would drastically help this community in popularity, behavior, and creativity. *silence* Make the custom game button smaller. Its not how big it is its what you do with it. As a result of this mind boggling idea the button will be proportional to all other buttons. I cant believe such an error would occur from *THE* chaz. Thank you for considering bonk community. I love you all! ??

⏱️ 2021-08-02

💡 Bishop#4479

ID: 871835380398309467




bonk.io esport

⏱️ 2021-07-18

💡 The 9th Doctor#9874

ID: 866433633685209098




Better classic quick play maps

⏱️ 2021-07-09

💡 DrSilver#9255

ID: 863194342741770262




add back to color hex code to the map maker and skin editor

⏱️ 2021-07-06

💡 Mega Turtle#2228

ID: 861764791861116948




like the gameplay tutorial in suggestions, make map editor tutorial

⏱️ 2021-07-04

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 861307255559553025




instead of saying someone left the game all the time make it so it says: *InkSpeII disconnected when the game isnt left intentionally

⏱️ 2021-07-03

💡 ink#3938

ID: 860673098139041823




ability to adjust the thickness and color of a joint line

⏱️ 2021-07-02

💡 Akze#0483

ID: 860621870785232917




add somewhere to see your exact total exp count or something like in b1 where you could see level progression by exp

⏱️ 2021-07-01

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 860279465480552449




I want VTOL back

⏱️ 2021-07-01

💡 BOT3141#5734

ID: 860239602693308426




Remove all maps in classic quick play and replace them with community picks

⏱️ 2021-06-19

💡 Uranus#9352

ID: 855833796808933409




Bring back quickplay map rotational voting. The Y/N stuff

⏱️ 2021-06-11

💡 Going_Anemic#4548

ID: 852775915763269712




Have the option to change gravity in a map

⏱️ 2021-06-06

💡 SneezingCactus#1336

ID: 851161726585405471




Changing color of object by HEX Code

⏱️ 2021-06-02

💡 ??? ??#2378

ID: 849620157184606209




Being able to see our account creation date

⏱️ 2021-06-01

💡 Windows#8964

ID: 849304730395082782




Kick option instead of ban from room, i just wanted to purge afk players for them to join when they're back

⏱️ 2021-05-25

💡 thisistrueuser#0001

ID: 846575781965594654




Make an option to host a friend server, it would appear in the friend's list menu under "Friends' Hosted Rooms", and add the option both in that menu and making a game to run a checkbox that allows friends to see it in that menu, so they can join an unlisted room with better coordination (i.e. not having to use discord with links), and you can also make rooms "My Friends Only", meaning only people you have added as a friend can join your hosted room or unlisted room, not anyone with the link

⏱️ 2021-05-24

💡 Sarcoid#3247

ID: 846209485408174131




I've been avoiding classic quickplay for a really long time now because its still full of maps that really don't meet standards. Most I run into are recolors of hotels, slingshots, gang grounds, etc. that don't really have any place in proper games. So, one solution would be to narrow down the map cycle like in quickplay arrows, which works fine, all things considered. Other solution would be to split classic quickplay into community voted maps (i.e. the trash heap) and the narrowed cycle of proper, less random maps so we can choose. Classic seems to be less appreciated now, especially since custom games are pretty much grapple and death arrows for the most part.

⏱️ 2021-05-21

💡 Morgan#1735

ID: 845336552112521247




Let us stretch shapes (Change their length and width)

⏱️ 2021-05-17

💡 69pooper#0069

ID: 843665338566180864




bring back the streak counter, do NOT give more exp based on your streak, give normal amount of exp, just give us the streak counter back

⏱️ 2021-05-14

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 842747130657374259




Make arrow collision and player collision two different options

⏱️ 2021-05-12

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 841844236054691860




Utilise the replay reporting system to track the number of flags that replays of each map have received – if these data are saved to a list, then the most-reported maps can be manually inspected and deleted if inappropriate.

⏱️ 2021-05-09

💡 The(space)_(space)Llama#7441

ID: 840824160205013022




Allow us to add projectiles so we don't have to waste platforms doing so or make smth that goes forward and back, which doesn't make sense. This would make things like cannons so much easier. - Projectile would be a joint option - It would be similar to Follow Path, but will have a start point (dictated by a green dot) and end point (red dot) on either end. The projectile spawns at the start point and moves toward the end point where it despawns - Like Follow Path, you would have the option to change path length, speed, etc - A new variable would be "Spawn Frequency", which dictates how often the projectile spawns (this means that projectiles would create a varying number of shapes; however, the shape counter would be based off the number of shapes in one projectile - There would also be an option to keep the number of shapes constant by spawning a new projectile as soon as the last one despawns. Enabling this would disable the spawn frequency option.

⏱️ 2021-05-09

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 840807338058317854




allow tags on maps, i have a map called Volleyball and it has come to my attention that a lot of people are lazy and liked to search "volley", but the new search prevents them from finding it like that, so it would be nice to add a tag to my map with the common misspellings

⏱️ 2021-05-06

💡 Time G#3559

ID: 840013764987453460




add marker to show when daily xp limit is reached, since xp checker and all lbs are dead.

⏱️ 2021-05-05

💡 BroKidSam#0001

ID: 839542340481843250




add polygons to skin editor m

⏱️ 2021-05-02

💡 Dr. Samurai#5957

ID: 838381207787405352




in the skin editor add a setting that allows you to select multiple shapes and change angle size and color for all shapes selected

⏱️ 2021-04-29

💡 Mega Turtle#2228

ID: 837369430744891462




Make the kick button only make a player leave and not permanently ban them and instead let that function go to a ban button

⏱️ 2021-04-25

💡 DOD#9375

ID: 835723405147504641




New mode where players have jetpack boosters that can be used to fly and rotate. This mode should not be deleted after a few months.

⏱️ 2021-04-25

💡 doglover#9669

ID: 835717565019717682




In the map editor, put a line along the edge of the death zone (like the line around the edge of what players see in game) so map makers can see how far players can go before dying.

⏱️ 2021-04-22

💡 doglover#9669

ID: 834916298928422922




Improved friend list (something like this)

⏱️ 2021-04-21

💡 Metaknightmare#3341

ID: 834565749997699092




Make map editor have chat box and player list (something like this)

⏱️ 2021-04-21

💡 Metaknightmare#3341

ID: 834554610998968340




In the custom room selection screen, add more information. In addition to the current information, this should be added... - Whether the room is in the lobby or currently playing. This was present in bonk 1 and there's no reason not to add it back. - The current map selected, whether that be the preview in the lobby or the map they're currently playing on. This would be useful if you're looking for rooms playing particular maps such as weird deathball (or avoiding them).

⏱️ 2021-04-21

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 834291525214666752




Add a feature that allows players to view their own as well as other players' account info. This would include the following: - The current skin they have enabled. - Online status and the ability to join their room. Room info is also shown. - The player's current level and progress toward the next level. - The player's maps. - The player's map approval rating, characterized by upvotes minus downvotes. - An option to send a message directly to the player through bonk.io. This information can be made public, available for friends only, or completely private.

⏱️ 2021-04-21

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 834290629835751474




Add check point spawns

⏱️ 2021-04-16

💡 ????????????'???? ????????? ????????????????????????????#1212

ID: 832708276940308530




a setting when creating a custom game "friends only" can join

⏱️ 2021-04-14

💡 Mega Pie#2228

ID: 831974503395491910




Ok don't mind my other suggestion, That was weird. HOWEVER Isn't it about time Chaz makes a **report player option** like cmon Bonk has been out for 5 years and many people are racist, toxic , e.t.c and Chaz hasen't added a report player option. If this is added Chaz should also add a bann appeal link for bonk if you get a account bann or a ip addresses bann from bonk.

⏱️ 2021-04-13

💡 ??????????????????????????/Clementine Grimes#1212

ID: 831346417435934730




make the "triangle even" shape in the skin editor actually EVEN

⏱️ 2021-04-12

💡 Mega Pie#2228

ID: 830962276316086313




Create a separate website for beta testing potential new bonk features (like how bonk.io/beta.php was available before a recent update). This would allow Chaz to experiment more and see if people like features before adding them to the main game. The best part about the bonk 2 beta was all of the new features, whether they were good or not. I think creating a dedicated site for bonk beta features would make the game less stagnant and provide a source of feedback for Chaz so he can avoid community backlash from bad updates (such as the removal of VTOL and no using heavy while shooting arrows).

⏱️ 2021-04-10

💡 doglover#6969

ID: 830585696205013012




an auto-save feature for map editor

⏱️ 2021-04-10

💡 Hello4409#6925

ID: 830544836959404042




Do you ever just forget to click "No Physics" and now you have to go back and disable physics for 72 shapes? Let's have an "apply to all shapes" button for each shape setting.

⏱️ 2021-04-09

💡 Akze#0483

ID: 830177278729912372




Add a d arrows mode where the goal is not to be the last man alive, but get the most kills. This could discourage camping and help rounds move faster, as well as open up new strategies. A kill is counted when someone hits your arrow and dies to it. This could either be most kills in a certain number of rounds or first to a certain number of kills.

⏱️ 2021-04-08

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 829543661704052758




add a hexagon to the skin editor

⏱️ 2021-04-07

💡 Mega Pie#2228

ID: 829473755125252097




if you win against someone who doesn't move/is afk,don't count the win and don't give the winner exp

⏱️ 2021-04-06

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 829134549018476594




Add events, such as limited time modes, so that the players wouldn't get bored of the game

⏱️ 2021-04-04

💡 Nub#7297

ID: 828081559567073320




Make it so everyone on your team has the same arrow colour. It's annoying when half the room has black arrows, forcing you to guess which team the arrow belongs to.

⏱️ 2021-03-29

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 825942320376447046




add a volume bar for music and sounds

⏱️ 2021-03-28

💡 ???? francy ????#4480

ID: 825810671890595940




The Map Maker should have a scale thing so you can make a certain group of shapes bigger or smaller without going through all the shapes and making them smaller one by one (ik im lazy)

⏱️ 2021-03-28

💡 ???????#6001

ID: 825791234936406026




Add player gravity into the map settings(lower value=lower gravity) (0=fly mode) (9.5=normal)

⏱️ 2021-03-27

💡 dimondsteve98#3958

ID: 825163017749921844




make it possible to change your password by adding an email to your account and you get the pass change there. This would help people whose accounts have been hacked to retake their account and you could change your pass if you forgot it (edited)

⏱️ 2021-03-25

💡 Mega Pie#2228

ID: 824669646186610709




add a turn off/on button for chat in settings

⏱️ 2021-03-21

💡 Planet#0258

ID: 823287219002540082




we can use /friend <username> as a command in quick play so we don't have to leave the room to friend a person only to forget their name. when someone sends a friends request to you it will show a message only you can see and you just type /friend <username> to accept/friend them back

⏱️ 2021-03-21

💡 Total Dfense#9018

ID: 823121467775516722




Allow the enter key to work for the map search bar just like in any other search engine. I always instinctively press it and then realize I have to click the search button instead.

⏱️ 2021-03-21

💡 doglover#3701

ID: 823110134900850728




Make it so that you can change your skin in the middle of a custom game in the lobby so that you don't have to leave the game to change it.

⏱️ 2021-03-21

💡 Akze#0483

ID: 823050981021057044




fav bonk1 maps

⏱️ 2021-03-20

💡 zajh#4951

ID: 822895297038385202




Let people delete their own maps from bonk 1, I know I have 1-2 copies that I regret and would definitely delete if I could. Adding this would make me feel better, but i guess it isnt that big of a deal.

⏱️ 2021-03-20

💡 Planet#0258

ID: 822882343822819328




add paste and repeat

⏱️ 2021-03-18

💡 Time G#3559

ID: 821904069445681224




If you end up adding moderators and fresh list, also let the moderators add quick play maps since arrows and grapple are boring, and classic is just bad.

⏱️ 2021-03-17

💡 Time G#3559

ID: 821876875977818112




Add a "delete all layer" for skin editing, so when we want to make a new skin we don't have to delete the layers one by one

⏱️ 2021-03-16

💡 Nub#7297

ID: 821457438422204456




This one's a tad difficult to grasp but stay with me. Timers, For objects in the map editor, let's say you set a timer for a stationary object, for 15 seconds, after 15 seconds it can change to a moving object, timers can be added just like joints, so there's no limit, if you were to add 3 timers, the first for a stationary object after 5 seconds to move left, because it has negative x axis movement properties, and then the 2nd timer causes it to stop and return to a stationary object, then the third would cause it to move right, because it has positive x axis movement properties, can be used in many creative ways.

⏱️ 2021-03-16

💡 Nighty#5924

ID: 821333365785231420




In quickplay it shows you that you have a streak of wins.

⏱️ 2021-03-15

💡 Lacking Creativity#4479

ID: 821114939929657405




force chaz to read golden bonk suggestions against his own will

⏱️ 2021-03-15

💡 Time G#3559

ID: 821058168716394537




make it so that every like an edit of a map gets, the original map gets one too

⏱️ 2021-03-15

💡 Time G#3559

ID: 820857892398956565




Us skin makers need more shapes to work with. Improvising gets really annoying at one point, and I feel we need more shapes. Such as: -More triangles (Equilateral, acute, obtuse, etc.) -Trapezoids -Allow us to edit the length and width of a rectangle -Hexagons Instead of adding dumb shapes like those alien shapes which don't help us at all, how about adding some more useful ones?

⏱️ 2021-03-14

💡 69pooper#1913

ID: 820720062105124935




If you are kicked by the host and then the host leaves you are now unbanned. So the ban only is put in place when the host is there.

⏱️ 2021-03-13

💡 Lacking Creativity#4479

ID: 820439902910414948




multiple screen maps like the tutorial

⏱️ 2021-03-11

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 819573639837384704




It will be a great idea if we added a button in which after you hosted a lobby and wanted to leave it that controls if the lobby would disappear after your leaving or no, to prevent lobby theft, only the current host can control whether the lobby would be existing after the host leaving or no from that button.

⏱️ 2021-03-11

💡 Atomic Man#1436

ID: 819544144853991444




there should be a simple debug mode in map settings that lets you see all the joints in game

⏱️ 2021-03-11

💡 Akze#0483

ID: 819433639950811146




Make it on the skin editor that we can have a shape under an object, but over an object that is over the object you are under. Like this: A B C But make it so that C can be under B, but at the same time, be over A. This would've saved so many shapes in my skins and this can also be applied onto the map editor.

⏱️ 2021-03-11

💡 69pooper#1913

ID: 819359226078035969




Before you make an account it should ask you to confirm your password just in case you mistype it and can never log back in.

⏱️ 2021-03-10

💡 69pooper#1913

ID: 819348967829143582




Add replays back <:epicsadness:541251867372683285>

⏱️ 2021-03-10

💡 Trapi!#0014

ID: 818996779706089503




Add the ability to add checkpoints in parkour maps.

⏱️ 2021-03-09

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 818878421861400589




double click to join room

⏱️ 2021-03-09

💡 woalging#5871

ID: 818809257113813012




Arrows make noise.

⏱️ 2021-03-08

💡 Hello4409#6925

ID: 818540339735429190




When map making there should be a little tutorial that is optional for you to see. It could be a small 3 minute video that could show you the basics of map making. The first time I made a map on bonk 2 everything was so confusing, and it took a while before I actually found out what was what and where everything was.

⏱️ 2021-03-08

💡 69pooper#1913

ID: 818538910552424499




Put something out there that lets people know where the new record button is, I had no clue that I had to click the button up top until someone told me. There should be something that involves telling you how to record and what it does in the tutorial or an information page when you start. Otherwise just some type of awareness to where the record button is located.

⏱️ 2021-03-08

💡 Planet ^^#0258

ID: 818288336040755270




Allow people to favorite bonk 1 maps

⏱️ 2021-03-08

💡 Planet ^^#0258

ID: 818287862649847829




The ability to add tags to your map, other than what mode it's designed for. Ex. Parkour Arena Teams Flying Race Artistic Troll

⏱️ 2021-03-07

💡 TheDarkMeme#4853

ID: 818241268311130132




Self Arrow Interraction (your own arrow can hit you), with a setting.

⏱️ 2021-03-07

💡 Trapi!????????#0014

ID: 818141846827827262




I wish kicking people didn't directly ban them. Bonk should have a ban option. This way when you kick a player, they can join back no matter what. However, The ban option makes a player unable to join the room again. Chaz could also add a feature where if you ban a player, you can ban them for a certain time. For example </Ban *user* 1 hour>. Also when you ban somebody have the account be banned for that room as well so even if a player has a vpn, they cannot join back unless they have a different account. This would help out if a Host bans a player by accident and the player cannot join back again. Trust me, I have tried moving a player to spectate and accidently kicked them lol.

⏱️ 2021-03-06

💡 ??????????????????????????#4111

ID: 817828754797625354




add vtol as option in customs, not qp tho

⏱️ 2021-03-06

💡 Mega Pie#2228

ID: 817556681687957555




Instead of having respawn on death feature, have a feature that lets you pick how many lives a player can have per round.

⏱️ 2021-03-06

💡 ??????????????????????????#4111

ID: 817549395074482176




In maps, when you turn on the shrink button you should be able to change the shrink rate of the platform.

⏱️ 2021-03-05

💡 ??????????????????????????#4111

ID: 817508717175898195




a "confirm" button when reporting replays

⏱️ 2021-03-04

💡 The_Konezz#7821

ID: 817098702837514361




Mode where you have health and can hit black platforms multiple times until your health reaches zero. Thinks like arrows and being hit hard would lessen health, while black platforms and death arrows would reduce it by more.

⏱️ 2021-03-03

💡 Chair#0830

ID: 816757757608329288




Have something on the menu for customs indicating how long it has been since a game was played in each lobby. Tired of joining dead lobbies with afk hosts.

⏱️ 2021-03-02

💡 wizardlypig#7705

ID: 816399949641416745




Add a button to the lobby that allows players to request a mode to the host

⏱️ 2021-03-02

💡 ??????????????????????????????????#4111

ID: 816106567999946782




Priorities for grappling objects

⏱️ 2021-03-01

💡 Nighty#5924

ID: 815861275019968553




Can't remember if this has been suggested before or not, but an account stats button on the main menu. Stats like kills, deaths, kill to death ratio, wins, loses, win rate, and time spent playing.

⏱️ 2021-02-28

💡 TomT123#5535

ID: 815376741546852362




Make a actual tutorial that is actually good and not a joke were it switches between all modes, you could even put in simple in the beginning to get the hang of movement, it should go from "simple, classic, grapple, arrows, d arrows, and maybe football" which in my opinion is a great way to incorporate simple like it was meant to in a useful way, football is a minigame kinda worth keeping but not really necessary to have a tutorial on and same with d arrows except d arrows is more popular, the idea is simple let's you kinda master movement in the beginning, classic is the base of the game and you need to know how to do stuff, grapple is on average for most people the most easy mode, maybe more easy then classic, and while it can get hard to beat people, you just need to learn "press z to not die and swing yourself to safety", arrows is harder but helpful to learn stuff, basically "press z to aim and hold for stronger shot to a certain point" and aim is harder and you might want to point something out about dodging. Death arrows and football they can learn by themselves tbh.

⏱️ 2021-02-27

💡 Geegox#9903

ID: 815103123478806548




can change ur acc password(But public acc cannot)

⏱️ 2021-02-25

💡 Nuclear bomb234#4712

ID: 814414332061548544




can make a daily task on bonk.io and if u done the task it will give 500 xp

⏱️ 2021-02-25

💡 Nuclear bomb234#4712

ID: 814413638852018176




*allow the ability to add your email, don't require it

⏱️ 2021-02-23

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 813869727482773545




do email sign ups that were on bonk 2 alpha so passwords can be resets reliably, and allow for 2fa to be toggled

⏱️ 2021-02-23

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 813869026816163851




Some way for a person to set up their own automated servers with their own map/mode rotation and without a host present. Could lead to decent, dedicated servers.

⏱️ 2021-02-23

💡 ratt#0358

ID: 813778982574227587




Idk is chaz listens to suggestions but, Chaz should make a competitive mode in bonk, this would be right below quick play section. It would be kind of like arena fortnite but instead you would be awarded points by winning a game. For example it would be 1v1s on modes chosen, if you get 1 point/kill you would be awarded a arena point, and if you win you would be awarded 3 points. This would also include a leaderboard of who has the most points for a certain mode and would also help toxic players find out how bad they really are. It would also be cool if there was events in the competitive scene where you can compete in the event and for example top 5 highest scoring players in the event would get gifted a badge they could flex on in the game lobby which could also mean chaz could add a view badges button when you click on a player. Or chaz can just give out custom skins for the highest scoring players. This would be cool because players like me that get tired of grapple 1v1 rooms would just do into the competitive mode bar and play some grapple 1v1s for points. (maps would have to be 1v1 maps in grapple. Classic and arrows could have the arrows picks or arrows qp, as well as community picks. ( Death arrows does not really need a competitive mode) (Football would be a easy mode to make a competitive mode) It would also help players grow in skill and help new players learn how to compete against better players since quickplay usually has 1 or 2 lobbies with good players. Without being said, this would be a awesome and probably one of the best updates in bonk and would also take bonk.io to another level in popularity and skill.

⏱️ 2021-02-22

💡 ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????#4111

ID: 813218066782617600




allow me to edit the width and height of skin editor shapes

⏱️ 2021-02-21

💡 Time G#3559

ID: 813120417165213716




Add a trapezoid shape to bonk.io skins.

⏱️ 2021-02-21

💡 69pooper#1913

ID: 813119844131930134




assign collision groups to players

⏱️ 2021-02-19

💡 SneezingCactus#3141

ID: 812419802534641694




more maps in grapple quick play that have ground you can be on

⏱️ 2021-02-18

💡 nano#9269

ID: 812036345567772672




In the map editor, make there be the ability to set the initial velocity of a shape or spawn a random number within a range so that stuff can be randomized

⏱️ 2021-02-17

💡 Akze#0483

ID: 811452352204374067




player banners for when youre in custom games could be cool. Like banners for level, play time, kills, etc

⏱️ 2021-02-16

💡 wizardlypig#7705

ID: 811344673674887169




Mode (or an option in map editor) where arrows can fill capture zones.

⏱️ 2021-02-16

💡 TomT123#5535

ID: 811325316370268174




bonk2 community picks/chaz's picks

⏱️ 2021-02-16

💡 Time G#3559

ID: 811056155177648168




No Arrows: Arrows will not touch the platform

⏱️ 2023-04-27

💡 Aulwerq999#5369

ID: 1101118177292861591




I feel like chaz could implement scripts for bonk.io, so different maps could have different gimmicks that weren't possible with the map editor in it's current state

⏱️ 2023-03-25

💡 iberis#0759

ID: 1089246576725217432




when it's april first, do some kind of prank

⏱️ 2023-02-07

💡 TiM MELL0#3075

ID: 1072667224684372070




make the circles 100% symmetric ????

⏱️ 2022-12-17

💡 LamprosPhotes#0877

ID: 1053667991063117874




ability to enable/disable snow in the settings

⏱️ 2022-12-07

💡 shunk#2524

ID: 1050086623511056485




create a setting in the map editor that allows for teamates to collide with eachother

⏱️ 2022-12-03

💡 Hello4409#6925

ID: 1048731835439513660




Map category section for *recently played*

⏱️ 2022-09-17

💡 DrSilver#3136

ID: 1020804169747152936




Since we added new classic qp maps, why don't we add more maps to the arrows qp? There are like 8 maps on there and it gets boring pretty quickly

⏱️ 2022-08-18

💡 TypicalHorror#6064

ID: 1009627566954520608


