BCD Staff Code of Conduct

Policy information


Created: 2022-08-11

Last updated: 2022-11-28

In force from: 2023-01-01

Expires: 2023-04-01


Table of contents

Part 1 - Introduction

Sect 1 - Statement of purpose

This Policy relates to the precise permissions and powers of BCD's staff members. In addition to obeying the Member Code of Conduct in full, staff members must also adhere to every item in this Policy.

Sect 2 - Definitions

BCD, the server, or the guild means the Bonk.io Community Discord server.

member, or user, refers to a person who is in control of a Discord account that exists or has existed in BCD.

administrator refers to a person who is a current member of the Administration unit of BCD.

staff member refers to a single person who is part of BCD's staff team.

staff refers interchangeably to BCD's staff team and to any person or persons who are members of the staff team.

Part 2 - Staff Code of Conduct

Sect 3 - General

(1) In the performance of their duties as staff, all staff members must consider only the history of a member's conduct.

(2) Likewise, in the performance of their duties, staff members shall not discriminate against any member on the basis of attributes including but not limited to age, disability, race, sex, intersex status, gender identity and sexual orientation.

(3) Staff members may not deliberately use their authority as staff members for personal gain.

Sect 4 - Adherence to the Member Code of Conduct

(1) Staff members, as any other member, must adhere to the Member Code of Conduct.

Sect 5 - Disciplinary actions

(1) Any disciplinary actions taken by staff members must be justifiable in accordance with Part 3 of the Member Code of Conduct.

(2) If any disciplinary action taken by a staff member is later overturned, this does not necessarily construe a breach of the Staff Code of Conduct.

(3) Whether a staff member has breached this section of the Staff Code of Conduct must be determined by the Administration unit.

Sect 6 - Participation in the staff team

(1) Staff members are obliged to maintain a certain minimum level of participation on the staff team.

(2) Where the opportunity presents itself, staff members are required to contribute at least twice in every calendar week to staff activities such as:

(3) Staff members who have given notice of a leave period that has been approved by the Administration unit are exempt from this requirement while on leave.

(4) Similarly, staff members who experience extenuating circumstances are exempt from this requirement.

(5) Whether a staff member is exempt due to extenuating circumstances shall be determined by the Administration unit on a case-by-case basis.

Part 3 - Enforcement

(1) The Administration unit is responsible for enforcing the Staff Code of Conduct.

Sect 7 - Reporting breaches

(1) Any member, including staff members, may report suspected breaches of the Staff Code of Conduct as per Part 5 of the Governance Policy.

(2) Members of the Administration unit may also choose to initiate their own investigations of breaches they suspect.

(3) Such investigations must be carried out in accordance with clauses 2, 3 and 5 of s12 of the Governance Policy.

(4) The findings of any such investigation must be reported in accordance with s13 of the Governance Policy.

Sect 8 - If a staff member is found guilty of a breach

(1) Staff members should be chastised if found guilty of any breach of the Staff Code of Conduct.

(2) For any one breach of sufficient magnitude, the Administration unit must deliberate whether to immediately suspend or demote the staff member in question.

(3) Where a staff member is found guilty of three or more breaches the Staff Code of Conduct in a 31-day period, or five or more in a 93-day period, the Administration unit is obliged to either suspend or demote the staff member in question.